Wednesday, July 1, 2020

see am learning to walk with christ



christopher mwale.JR

many christians have the soil in their hearts but lack the seed, which not only
provides them with life but also prohabit them from doing the bad things of the
world. I wrote this book to advocate the people who have only the soil but not yet planted the seed in their heart and in Ihis book you will learn the diffrerence
between a person who has and doesn't have the seed in his or her heart.

As well how you can obtain the seed and live with it forever After I planted the
seed in my heart I have experience extraordinary things in my life,this is what has
inspired me to let people know about who is the seed..
A lot of christians cease to have fellowship with God. But still sin they go to church yet they have not planted the seed in their heart they talk well about themself and more concerning the bible act as though they know God much more than anyone else, they have higher status in society and carrying their bibles wherever they go but still they have not the seed in their hearts.

They do good things for pleasure in order just to satisfy their own selfish
being,missusing God's name in order to be seen by the society that they are great or well behave character but in their hearts they is no true love for God only they do is to resist God in any way.

Some even do the worse by taking God is name in vain asking him what they want and after he has given them their needs they look aside from God and tend to worship things which he has given to them, with pride in their hearts and
forgetten who has offered them the oportunity to have those gifts they believe in
God only to receive blessings, fasting day and night only to attain blessing,
wanting God to walk in their ways but refusing to listening to God and when ever
things are going uwful they tend to put the problems on God because they have a lot of expectation from they only believe in God to receive good things.

But there is a difference between a person who only have the soil and one who
has both the soil as well as the seed in his or her heart.

A person who has the seed has Christ in his or her heart who rules over his life
and he experience new words and he reacts different from other people in the
society,in each and every way he is with God and he doesn't satisfy anyone other
than God, his path is not in the way of the wicked people nor does he runs to
evil, he treasures God not because he wants to achieve something in return, he do things in order to know God very well becomes to truly know that is only God who made him and the one who can save him, he doesn't worry about what he is
going to wore, what to eat or what luxurious things he is going to have, no
matter how rich or poor he worship God with all his heart and does not resist him
neither in pain nor in  great  suffering, it's when he becomes more closer to God in spite facing a lot of tribulations he puts trust in God.

Because his ways are in light not in darkness for the Bible says God is light and in
him there is no darkness at al l(1John1:5).

From this scripture we tend to know that his ways or doing are not in darkness his words are always righteous and not evil, and he hates unrighteousness the people he cherish are those who fear him and humble themselves before God and his people, for those who fear him and humbles themselves before God he gives them knowledge and increase their understanding among mankind.

A person who walks with Jesus the seed himself he carries the character of Jesus,
and he carries the mind of understanding wherever he is there is peace,and
humbles himself before God, follow his truth he does not resist God but he or she reason between good and evil, and tend to choose good things alwayas his steps are controlled by God himself he understand humanity and God himself make him to be strong in faith, his faith is not attain to the needs of the world but waiting for his coming of God, he be holds of the return of the savior he does not focus on the things of the world.

And the Bible tells us in the same book of (1John5:11-12) that God gave us eternal.

life and this life is in his son, that whoever possesses the son has life and
whosoever doesn't possess the son of God does not have life.

The way to eternal life it only starts with jesus for he said he has gone to prepare a place for us, in the kingdom in which he is going to live with us forever.

In this kingdom it is going to be a new start of the world a lot of christians think
 they are going to go there in the kingdom with all their sinful nature many
christians they still sin although they do go to church,act good towards people
and some are appreciated just for a certain good thing they do but later on still
go back to their bad things of the world, doing so it doesn't qualify them into the
kingdom of God nor do they treasure God in their hearts,their hearts is filled with
wickedness and notions that they are always against God, never consider him that he has ever existed here in this world and they always enjoy being ignorant of his words and intentionally Involve themselves into sin, only a person who doesn't have the seed can resist God and being blinded by the things of the world nevertheless going to church and attending meeting but still resists God, when they sin they always say God will forgive us because they attend church serves and perform some duties. yes God forgive but he doesn't want you to repeat your mistake but instead to change and don't do those bad things again thats what God wants from us to be new beings instead of continuing with our sins.

For if we say he will always forgive if we sin often we are lying to ourselves, for God  has nothing to do with sin nor does he has anything to do with evil.

 For God is light that means his ways and doing are in light not in darkness, so in whatever situation we found ourselves in we should not just try but escape from all sinful nature of satan for if we always fall in his trap he is going to know all our weakness and it will be so easy for him to tempt you when you want to know God.

The Bible also encourage us in (hebrews12:14) "make every effort to live in peace
with everyone and to be holy' without holiness no one shall see the lord"...
If the Bible surely advice us to be perfect for without it no one will see him, why do many people say am not perfect but the Bible it's encouraging us to be one.

With holiness every one shall see the lord, the people who are found in the
kingdom are holy so if you are not trying to be holy how will you attain to know
God and to see him, for God can not even talk to you because of your sinful
nature God wants people who seek the truth and longing to know him with those
people he treasures and he is happy with them and the devil satan can not touch
them because he knows those people are with jesus and all satan his doing will be in vain and can not excel but instead he runs to use people who don't have jesus because he knows those people are weak in spiritually, those who dault
themselves in attain holiness.

This all arising from the seed a person who doesn't have jesus christ in his or her heart they normally face these kind of confussions by saying they are not perfect,just because they have sin a lot of times and don't have confidence if they can still knee down before God and ask for forgiveness,but God surely said if one accepts that he is a sinner God is willing and just to forgive that person but if he says am not a sinner then his making God to be a liar and his words are not in him, the people who do not accept their sinful nature they rather just belong to the other side of the world having a carnal  minded this results of not reading the Bible and not having the true essence of life.

A lot of christians they rather just go to church hearing what the pastors are
saying they can not stand on their own,but being drived by other people, in each
and every problem They would like to consult other people without praying first
they don't realise that those people can only speak according to mankind is way
of thinking and can not review the truth like of G0D, for Jesus Christ said he is the
way,the life and the truth this means his words are true and he is the only one
who can review man his corruptions disposition God is God and man is man,
whatever man do it's according to the nature 0f how he made him and can not
represent G0d, God's words are healing and can change mankind's heart without
resisting God.

The concept of reading the Bible it helps us to know more about the
Antichrist,these people have studied every angle of life they have the bible
doctrines in their hearts that no one can tell them what to do they think they are
God Themselves because they have a number 0f people following them but a
person who has the seed Almighty God shows him what is not of true and reviews the antichrist to him.

The Bible in (1John4) it is also advicing us "Dear friends do not believe everyone
who claims to speak by the spirit, you must test the them to see if the spirit they
have comes from God for there are many false prophets in the world" So if the
Bible it's advising us to be perfect, why do many christians run to pastors seeking
for blessings and only believing in them neverthless not carring the Bible

And they are not aware that these people whom they believe in, they have already studied the Bible doctrine and they can speak as if they possess the spirit but no, Only they do is to deceive people, making them to walk in their own selfish ways, performing false miracles and claim to posses the spirit.

But God will review their sinful nature in no time, no matter how their status is or
how powerful they can be when the Amighty will return the whole world will
under one ruler and no one can hide from him only those people who truly know
God will remain in his kingdom.

So many christians fall in the ways of the Antichrist because they lack the holy

And they do not read the bible neither do they pray to strethen their bond with
christ only sit and expect God to bless them not realising that they are being
blinded by the antichrist.

Many people have been asking questions on how to become perfect, perfection is not about a person been perfected by ourselves but the only one who can perfect us is jesus the true seed.

the one who can help them to recognize their sinful nature as well to grow
spiritually.And trust me when you have know who is in you believe me you will
never fail down, because greater is he who is in you than the one who is in the

The works of the people who lacks the seed they are always  confuse and abide to what other people say when the people say no they also sayno and if they agree they also agree, their minds cannot determine what's wrong and right they always think what they are doing it's the right way by using notions.

Join me in a better life wherebChrist is ruling and it only start by fasting and
reading his words and he will be talking to you because God has many words to
say to you.

Some of the prophets in the Bible were told not to review manye words by God
because those words where being kept until the end and this is the last Age so let jesus guid.

                                        HOW TO LET
                                          THE SEED
                                         BE IN YOU)

.By fasting (as long as you are commited even 4huors it is fasting but they always
some levels in terms of knowing God the more time you put in God's words the
more wisdom and truth you will gain but if you normally know God on saturdays
and sundays you won't know the truth because God wants us to worship day and night committing ourselves it doesn't give satan a chance to try you.

.By reading the Bible (even one scipture it's fine as long as you understand it than
many and you can't even understand and always remember to pray before
reading the Bible,reading the bible is the key of not letting the antichristdeceiving
from deceiving, being care is the most important thing these people they posess
evil spirits and you can not know they true nature because they know how to
backup their selves and always put people In the dark they even know every
scripture from the bible that no one can address them wrong interms of their
character because they studied every corner on how the doctrines are and on how to attain to human beings that everyone who hears their voice preaching you will always want to listen, but a person who has the seed always hears from GOD like he said my sheeps hears my voice, it only takes a person who has Jesus to resist those evil posters.

.Attending fellowship it will help you to grow in faith as well in spiritually and tend to be closer to God, would not like to take the way of the wicked since each and every time in God hands and will have a mind of loving and humbles he or she before God

questions and answers