Friday, September 25, 2020

Thursday, September 24, 2020

Circumference at a Given Latitude Date: 01/26/2001 at 17:52:23 From: Lynn Subject: Circumference - at latitude of globe I know the circumferance of the earth at the equator in miles. How can I calculate the circumference of a line around the earth (a circle) at 40 degrees north latitude? Date: 01/26/2001 at 20:37:52 From: Doctor Fenton Subject: Re: Circumference - at latitude of globe Hi Lynn, Thanks for writing to Dr. Math. If you're familiar with trigonometry, a point on the circle of latitude at latitude L has as its radius one leg of a triangle with center at the center of the Earth, one vertex at the point, and the other vertex on the polar axis: P is the point on the latitude circle, O is the center of the Earth, and Z is the point on the polar axis the same distance above the equatorial plane as P. polar axis | | radius at latitude L Z |---------P | / | / | / | / | / | / | / L |/_______________ Equatorial radius O By geometry, Angle OPZ is also L, the same angle as the latitude. OP is the same as the equatorial radius, if you consider Earth a sphere, so ZP -- = cos(L) OP and ZP = OP*cos(L). The circumference at latitude L is 2*pi*ZP = 2*pi*OP*cos(L) = (equatorial circumference) * cos(L). So, just multiply the equatorial circumference by the cosine of the latitude, and you will have the circumference at that latitude. If you have further questions, please write again. - Doctor Fenton, The Math Forum

Circumference at a Given Latitude Date: 01/26/2001 at 17:52:23 From: Lynn Subject: Circumference - at latitude of globe I know the circumferance of the earth at the equator in miles. How can I calculate the circumference of a line around the earth (a circle) at 40 degrees north latitude? Date: 01/26/2001 at 20:37:52 From: Doctor Fenton Subject: Re: Circumference - at latitude of globe Hi Lynn, Thanks for writing to Dr. Math. If you're familiar with trigonometry, a point on the circle of latitude at latitude L has as its radius one leg of a triangle with center at the center of the Earth, one vertex at the point, and the other vertex on the polar axis: P is the point on the latitude circle, O is the center of the Earth, and Z is the point on the polar axis the same distance above the equatorial plane as P. polar axis | | radius at latitude L Z |---------P | / | / | / | / | / | / | / L |/_______________ Equatorial radius O By geometry, Angle OPZ is also L, the same angle as the latitude. OP is the same as the equatorial radius, if you consider Earth a sphere, so ZP -- = cos(L) OP and ZP = OP*cos(L). The circumference at latitude L is 2*pi*ZP = 2*pi*OP*cos(L) = (equatorial circumference) * cos(L). So, just multiply the equatorial circumference by the cosine of the latitude, and you will have the circumference at that latitude. If you have further questions, please write again. - Doctor Fenton, The Math Forum

Wednesday, September 23, 2020

what is the test of hydrogen gas

I see from the other answers that flammability (explosivity) is being used to identify hydrogen gas. The only problem is that there are other flammable gases that would produce the same “pop”, so this is not a sufficiently conclusive test in itself. It may help if you add other tests like lack of odour, lack of reaction with wet litmus paper, you may increase your certainty. In this case a mass spectrum would reveal the presence of hydrogen with almost 100% certainty. 708 viewsView Upvoters 1 comment from Edward Coulter Sponsored by Atlassian What are the newest things in Data Center? Don’t miss out on the latest fixes & improvements we’ve shipped to our self-managed enterprise products. Monu Kumar, Studying PCM from New Shishu Kalyan High School Chandu Answered July 27, 2018 Light a candle or matchstick towards any reaction, if the burning candle or matchstick stop burning with pop sound , then there is hydrogen coming out from that reaction. 4.2K viewsView Upvoters 3 comments from Nusrat Jahan Shawon Related Spaces (More Answers Below) Energy A space for informed communication about energy and sustainability. Physics & Chemistry All about Physics and Chemistry Nice to learn This space have many computer learning video Science Portal The Science and Nature of Quora. Weird Science This space is about science. From physics, chemistry, genetics and the universe! Science and Math Geeks Science and Math Geeks is for any Science and/or Mathematics Geek or Nerd. The Science Space This Space is about science and all its branches All about novels Hey , we r girls from the unknown world (weissnichtwo) .we r crazy novel lover Solve the Equation Let’s solve your equations and share those here. Everybody has equations to solve. Let’s share those here and enjoy solving those. Science Insider Science news, opinion, amazing GIFs and videos. AstroPhysics The physics of Astronomy and governing physical laws. It explains E=mc2. Ask Science Ask a science question, get a science answer. Hypergeometrical Universe Here I presented postings of the Hypergeometrical Universe Theory Nuclear for a Greener U.S Nuclear power is key to transitioning from fossil fuels to sustainable energy. Technological Ideas This space is for those who're new or who've already advance in technology. Anything Space Astronomy Space, space travel, rockets, probes, telescopes, all things space Climate Changes This space is for people who are worried about leaving a sustainable society. Magnetism This is the space to share knowledge on magnetism and its application Life is Beautiful All my answers on Life, General rants are here. Science For Artists Science For High School Artists, Actors, And Musicians View More Spaces Deniz Tan Tardu, studies at University of Turin (2022) Answered July 22, 2018 Insert a lighted splint into a test tube, and if it contains Hydrogen, you should hear a "pop" sound. 5.9K viewsView Upvoters Related Questions More Answers Below How can you test for the presence of hydrogen gas? What is the chemical test for hydrogen? What is hydrogen gas? How can it be identified? A.N.S.Sankara rao, Director of rank edge akademi of chemistry (2017-present) Answered October 27, 2018 it gives pop sound with burning splinter or converts vegetable oils into dalda when reacts with the gas in presence of nickel catalyst 347 views Sponsored by Whole Tomato Software Want to get more out of Visual Studio? Check out Visual Assist by Whole Tomato! Pierre Smith, Principle Engineer at Westlake Corp (2013-present) Answered July 24, 2018 ? 1.1K views 8 Answers Collapsed (Why?) Related Questions How can you test for the presence of hydrogen gas? What is the chemical test for hydrogen? What is hydrogen gas? How can it be identified? What is the use of hydrogen gas? How do I convert hydrogen gas to liquid at home? What is the name for the test of hydrogen gas? Why is hydrogen a gas? Why does hydrogen gas not exist in Earth's atmosphere? Where will I get hydrogen gas? How do you test to show a gas is chlorine? How do you test for the production of hydrogen gas? What is a laboratory test to distinguish between HCL and NH3? What happens when we add HCl to H₂SO₄? What are inactive metals? How are they used? What is the most acidic thing? Related Questions How can you test for the presence of hydrogen gas? What is the chemical test for hydrogen? What is hydrogen gas? How can it be identified? What is the use of hydrogen gas? How do I convert hydrogen gas to liquid at home? What is the name for the test of hydrogen gas? Ask Question

UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE INTERNATIONAL EXAMINATIONS International General Certificate of Secondary Education CHEMISTRY 0620/02

Paper 2 May/June 2008 1 hour 15 minutes Candidates answer on the Question Paper. No Additional Materials are required. READ THESE INSTRUCTIONS FIRST Write your Centre number, candidate number and name in the spaces at the top of this page. Write in dark blue or black pen. You may need to use a pencil for any diagrams, graphs or rough working. Do not use staples, paper clips, highlighters, glue or correction fluid. DO NOT WRITE IN ANY BARCODES Answer all questions. A copy of the periodic table is printed on page 16. At the end of the examination, fasten all your work securely together. The number of marks is given in brackets [ ] at the end of each question or part question. 2 © UCLES 2008 0620/02/M/J/08 For Examiner's Use 1 The diagram shows the structures of some substances containing carbon. O C O C C H H H H C H H HH H C COH H H H H C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C Ca2+ CO2– 3 Ca2+ CO2– 3 CO2– 3 Ca2+ Ca2+ CO2– 3 CO2– 3 Ca2+ Ca2+ CO2– 3 Ca2+ CO2– 3 CO2– 3 Ca2+ Ca2+ CO2– 3 CO2– 3 Ca2+ AB C DE F (a) Answer these questions using the letters A, B, C, D, E or F. (i) Which one of these structures is ionic? [1] (ii) Which one of these structures represents ethanol? [1] (iii) Which one of these structures represents a gas which turns limewater milky? [1] (iv) Which one of these structures is an unsaturated hydrocarbon? [1] (b) Describe a chemical test for an unsaturated hydrocarbon. test result [2] 3 © UCLES 2008 0620/02/M/J/08 [Turn over For Examiner's Use (c) State the chemical name of structure B. [1] (d) Structure F has several uses. Which one of the following is a correct use of structure F? Tick one box. for cutting metals as a lubricant for filling balloons as an insulator [1] (e) The structures A to E are compounds. What do you understand by the term compound? [1] (f) State the type of bonding in structure A. [1] [Total: 10] 4 © UCLES 2008 0620/02/M/J/08 For Examiner's Use 2 The diagram shows a statue in a park in an industrial town. The statue is made from limestone. iron pins inside statue statue when first erected the same statue after 20 years (a) State the name of the chemical present in limestone. [1] (b) Use ideas about the chemistry of atmospheric pollutants to suggest how and why the statue changes over 20 years. [4] (c) Parts of the statue are joined together with iron pins. After 30 years, the arm falls off the statue. Suggest why the arm falls off. [1] 5 © UCLES 2008 0620/02/M/J/08 [Turn over For Examiner's Use (d) Iron has several isotopes. (i) What do you understand by the term isotopes? [1] (ii) The table shows the number of subatomic particles in an atom of iron. type of particle number of particles relative charge on the particle electron 26 neutron 30 proton 26 Complete the table to show the relative charge on each particle. [3] (iii) State the number of nucleons in this isotope of iron. [1] (e) Some isotopes are radioactive. State one industrial use of radioactive isotopes. [1] (f) Iron reacts with very dilute nitric acid. Fe + 2HNO3 Fe(NO3)2 + H2 Write a word equation for this reaction. [1] [Total: 13] 6 © UCLES 2008 0620/02/M/J/08 For Examiner's Use 3 The table shows the concentration of some ions present in seawater. name of ion formula of ion concentration of ion in g/dm3 bromide Br – 0.07 calcium Ca2+ 0.4 chloride Cl – 19.1 magnesium Mg2+ 1.2 potassium K+ 0.3 sodium Na+ 10.6 2− SO4 0.8 (a) Which negative ion has the highest concentration in seawater? [1] (b) State the name of the ion with the formula 2− SO4 . [1] (c) Which two ions in the table are formed from Group I elements? and [1] (d) When seawater is evaporated a number of different compounds are formed. State the name of the compound which is present in the greatest quantity. [1] (e) State the names of two ions in the table which move to the cathode when seawater is electrolysed. and [2] 7 © UCLES 2008 0620/02/M/J/08 [Turn over For Examiner's Use (f) When concentrated seawater is electrolysed, chlorine is formed at one of the electrodes. (i) To which Period in the Periodic Table does chlorine belong? [1] (ii) Draw the electronic structure of a chlorine molecule. Show only the outer electrons. [2] (g) Drinking water can be obtained by purifying seawater. Explain why distillation rather than filtration is used to purify seawater for drinking. [2] [Total: 11] 8 © UCLES 2008 0620/02/M/J/08 For Examiner's Use 4 The diagram shows a water treatment works. water in to homes chlorine added aluminium sulphate added sedimentation tank sand filter (a) State one use of water in industry. [1]

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

How To Be Thankful At All Times

Godlife Unsubscribe Sep 15, 2020, 9:27 PM (7 days ago) to Christopher How To Be Thankful At All Times Thankfulness And let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in one body. And be thankful. Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God. And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him. (Colossians 3:15-17) Did you notice that being thankful is mentioned three times in this passage? How do you thank God in “whatever you do”? Matthew Henry, a 17th-century pastor, gave us an example of this kind of thanksgiving. One day, a robber took his purse and the money in it. That night, Matthew wrote in his diary: “Let me be thankful, first, because he never robbed me before; second, because although he took my purse, he did not take my life; third, because although he took all I possessed, it was not much; and fourth, because it was I who was robbed, not I who robbed.” How To Be Thankful Facebook Join the conversation! Go to our Facebook page to share your thoughts. Write out your prayer of thanksgiving to God and share it! Share your prayer » Facebook Watch our Facebook Live! We will be LIVE at 7 p.m. GMT Wednesday to talk about thankfulness! Will you join us? Watch it » Downloa

Sunday, September 20, 2020

Wolves hostage

Friday, April 10, 2020 I t was raining heavily in the city of taxes that everyone was in the house. mikel the garden boy was still outside in the market area buying some vegetables, before the rain started mike saw the sign of it but ignored thinking it won't rain and proceeded with what he came to do there. He was astonished with how the rains wet him on his way home and found that the main way was filled with a lot of water. He thought of a way out then he tend to choose a dangerous path by taking the forest way, mikel walked for five hours and he then saw a group of people who were sitting beside the river, they looked strange but he didn't have a choice but to ask them a way to the city. There was this man among the group who asked Mikel for his name and he told the man and asked him is name too, The man his name was Bally, Bally and Mikel started to get along which didn't impressed the others, while they were talking Mikel saw a tattoo on bally's arm which he dreamed of and became afraid aswel curious with the matter why the tattoo relates to him and started asking Bally questions but after sometimes Bally was suspicious with the questions Mikel was asking about. Bally said," is this an interrogation" no! Mikel answered, "am anxious because that tattoo looks familiar, I had a dream about that tattoo which looks the same as that and it belongs to a wolf". Bally denied and urged with Mikel, by saying," do you believe in dreams? Course I don't believe in such " and then Mikel became convinced that his dream wasn't true and said " yeah why should I attain to the knowledge of my dream a lot of times I have dreams not just that, that i'm rich and am no longer a gardener having a beautiful family a lot of cars but when I wakeup it's not true". Bally said "that's why I told you of not believing in dreams they are all lies". At midnight Mikel was sleeping and Bally's friends were making planes to kill him while is sleeping, Bally was about to sleep and then saw something behind his back moving so fast and he thought it was something to hunt, because mikel didn't eat anything. And Bally started chasing and then released that it was his friends and went back home. On his way back he saw one of the wolf getting inside mikel's tent and run over it and it turned into mankind then he released it was his friend he then banged mikel "hey wakeup"!!. Bolly asked his friends why they wanted to kill Mikel and one of his friend Ranger said "after the stranger came you never give us attention", then Mikel said " you were all jealous of me, I never thought you guys can go far than that" Then Bally told Mikel the all truth that his dream was not a lie, I and my friends we are wolves, you were not wrong about it It will be continued Christopher mwale Check out with more stories here on seekcrip.

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