How Things Work
Nick Denton · 08/22/16 04:33PMLetters From Our Exes
The Ghosts of Gawker Past · 08/22/16 03:45PMHow Guilty Should I Feel?
Kelly Stout · 08/22/16 03:26PM
I often feel guilt when I assign a story. This is partly a function of being a woman who would, if she had her way, please and comfort her entire universe of acquaintances, and partly a function of having been convinced at a relatively young age by the argument that Janet Malcolm famously made in The Journalist and the Murderer: “Every journalist who is not too stupid or full of himself to notice what is going on knows that what he does is morally indefensible.”
Gawker Was Murdered by Gaslight
Tom Scocca · 08/22/16 02:56PMWhat Was Gawker?
Hamilton Nolan · 08/22/16 02:15PMThere's Someone Else I've Got To Be
Rich Juzwiak · 08/22/16 01:59PM
Breakups have a way of robbing you of your identity, especially when you’re the one who’s being broken up with. If the union was worth joining in the first place, severing it disrupts your habits, your decision-making, your system of loving. It erases the mutations your love has engendered. You don’t even get to keep them in a jar of formaldehyde. Your best chance at preservation is art.
Mission Demolished
Choire Sicha · 08/22/16 11:30AMFuck It
Hudson Hongo · 08/21/16 10:55PMSouth Carolina Is Giving Body Cameras to Shellfish Monitors
Hannah Gold · 08/21/16 04:40PMClinton Campaign Manager Says Trump Might Be Putin 'Puppet'
Hannah Gold · 08/21/16 01:50PM
Trump has been promoted this week from statue to puppet.
Erdogan Claims Turkish Wedding Attack That Killed 51 Was Carried Out by Child Suicide Bomber
Hannah Gold · 08/21/16 10:40AMJudge Recommends Criminal Charges Be Brought Against Arizona Sheriff for Ignoring Orders to Stop Racial Profiling
Hannah Gold · 08/20/16 01:10PMHillary Is Asleep, That's Where
Hannah Gold · 08/20/16 12:05PMReport: Trump's Real Estate Holdings Have At Least $650 Million in Debt
Hannah Gold · 08/20/16 10:45AMThe Only Thing That Would Make Us Feel Better Is if You Sent Us Trump's Tax Returns
Ashley Feinberg · 08/19/16 02:00PM
Have you heard? As of next week, beloved cuck advocacy website will officially be shutting down thanks to the machinations of a megalomaniacal seasteading vampire. It happens! And though it’s incredibly unfortunate, there is something you can do to make us feel just a little bit better: Send us Donald Trump’s tax returns. to End Operations Next Week
J.K. Trotter · 08/18/16 11:50AMAfter nearly fourteen years of operation, will be shutting down next week. The decision to close Gawker comes days after Univision successfully bid $135 million for Gawker Media’s six other websites, and three months after the Silicon Valley billionaire Peter Thiel revealed his clandestine legal campaign against the company.
All the Best Gossip from Esquire's Jared Kushner Profile
Brendan O'Connor · 08/18/16 09:25AM
Amid Donald Trump’s spasmodic summer, one member of his campaign (and family) has received a growing amount of positive—or at least not explicitly negative—press: Trump’s son-in-law, Jared Kushner. Today, however, Esquire has published a long and excellent profile with lots of good dirt, all about who is this smiling fellow who through his narrow greed and ambition has sold out his faith for a suicide ride on the Trump train.
If You Drive For a Living, Look for Another Career
Hamilton Nolan · 08/18/16 08:25AMWhy
Brendan O'Connor · 08/18/16 08:10AM13 Dead in Louisiana as Some Return to Flooded Homes
Brendan O'Connor · 08/18/16 07:10AM
The death toll in Louisiana has risen to 13, ABC News reports. Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson will visit the state on Thursday to review the federal government’s response to what Governor John Bel Edwards called “unprecedented” flooding.
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