Wednesday, September 16, 2020


author christopher mwale @ seekcripNews An article is a complete piece of writing for newspaper, magazing etc. the subject can be anything that the newspaper considered new worthy. An article is difficult from an ordinary composition in that, it uses journalistic style from the following features. use of attractives . headlines, the Headlines must be provocative and brief to catch the interest of the reader. this can archieve through the use of key words, acronyms, abbreviation and suitable punctuation marks. Use of colums and short paragraphs usually one sentence long to facilitate faster reading for classroom excercises or testing in columns in columns is not possible. Use of figures of speech use of specific (e.g dates places, streets, names and dramatic description of events to add interests and authoriticity. Use of direct speech quostations to make the article authentic or true. Use of colloquial spoken English. Articles are usually highly punctuated several ideas are picked into one sentence to save space. the aim of the article is to give information and it therefore be factual and not optioned, At the end of article (sometimes at the beginning ) you are given the source of the article. the name of the

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